Studio works

Jay Shetty, an Award-Winning Storyteller, Podcaster, and former monk said,
“See a problem. Be the solution.”
When I heard about the murders at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in 2016, I knew that as an artist and writer that I had to do something to put a little love and acceptance back into the world.
​I created Little Love Letters: A Peaceful Revolution TM. These small cards have my art and messages of love on them and have been mailed to local and international volunteers who have left over 70,000 cards in different public places for someone to find and know that they matter.
You can also put a card (or2) in a greeting card, leave one in a library book. Leave a few with a tip after a meal. Your imagination will show you where to place a card of hope and love.
​The worldwide pandemic slowed us down, but I am hoping that the wonderful volunteers and new ones will show up again, eager to help spread love, acceptance, and comfort. Our world needs it more than ever.
I am asking for a donation of $10.00 to cover Shipping and Handling and printing (U.S. orders. Overseas will be slightly higher.), which has gone up so much in the last couple of years.
You can pay by sending a check or using Venmo.
Just email me at: with your name and address and payment method you'd like to use and I will mail you Little Love Letters: A Peaceful Revolution cards in 7 to 10 days.
We can make a difference. We have to make a difference.
"When I heard about Elizabeth Cassidy's Little Love Letters, I knew I had to order some. The idea of leaving these tiny, beautifully designed cards (Elizabeth's amazing art on one side, and an encouraging message on the other) around town to brighten a stranger’s day, or sharing them with friends and family, totally makes me smile. If you want to become part of a movement to create moments of kindness that anyone would appreciate, Little Love Letters are a wonderful place to start." Judith Henry Creative

"Gave one this morning to a friend who is really struggling with what to do next professionally! Then also left one at our table at the restaurant as we were leaving! It feels so good to be doing this." NPS
"I brought my packet of love notes to our favorite coffee shop (books are everywhere here). I placed a card on the table behind me. A lovely woman sat down and eventually we started chatting. Later, she discovered the card and had her husband (who has the beginnings of Parkinson's Disease) read it. She carefully placed it back where she found it. I had my computer up and came here, to your page and showed her your project...told her the card was meant to be hers. "Oh!" she said, "How can I participate?" Next, I realized that I had an entire extra packet of cards with me. I immediately knew they were for her. So now she has them and could not be happier. She said she doesn't get out much, and that us meeting was a blessing." B S
“Everyone who receives a little love letter card is always so happy. I feel it’s very important in this day and age to show people that you care.” A happy customer. Ellen
"I feel like an elite member of a team of doers of great things. They're stunning. Gave my first one away. 96 degrees here today and my mail lady at work got one taped to a bottle of ice cold water that awaited her arrival. She got as far as the door, stopped, read it and said, "This is why I love you." She's never said more than a few words to me in three months but I see her work so hard. Gosh, this feels good." CB
"Look what arrived??!! I'm so excited to place your Peaceful Revolution cards everywhere. A celebration of harmony is about to begin. Thank You" SH
My wish is that everyone who takes home one of these beauties is always surrounded by positive energy in their lives.” PH
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